Friday, 22 February 2019

When you just want to read about something nice........

In amongst the worst of humanity, when you read about all the horrors in this world, yesterday's story of the Sheffield Plane Bypass, brought about by the story of Tony Foulds, really shows that people do care. It showed that ordinary people everywhere can come together.

Every day when you see the news on television, read the papers, look on line, there are stories that make you cry, that make you angry, make you horrified and yes, happily, even some that make you smile. I've always said that maybe years ago, all these things happened just as much. They always happened, but now we have so many more ways of bringing it to the notice of people that it's pretty much right in your face. The horrors of knife crime, the horrors of murder, are pretty much every day reported occurrences now. I recall, over thirty years ago, that we were devastated by a murder within our family. It hit all the front pages of the main papers and for days after, until the perpetrator was found, it was the main topic of the media. Today things like that 'seem' to happen regularly, and you will now see the coverage of a murder on the third page, or even further in the newspaper rather than on the front page. It's so sad that the taking of a life can be considered as less important than Brexit, for example! Of course there are some murders, some stories that still hit the headlines and those are the ones that do shock you to the core. It makes you realise that there are some intrusively wicked people in this world. 

I think that's why, when something wonderful and uplifting happens the country, the world, rejoices and comes together. It's like a relief that actually, yes there are good people around, nice people, people who care. In amongst the nasty bits there are the nice bits of life. It brings it home that on the whole people are good. People do care about other people, and people do want to help each other. But I do also feel that it is sad that stories like that of Tony Foulds become so huge, almost as if it isn't the norm. 

I would like to think that the world is a nice place. I know it isn't always. I try to avoid reading the hateful nasty media reporting that goes on sometimes. 

On my FB feed I request not to have certain stories shown so I can avoid them. It isn't because I don't care. It's because I can't stop thinking about them afterwards. I don't want to be scared about living, or scared my parents will get hurt by some burglar entering their house, or my cats hurt, or anyone else hurt. It isn't a blindness to the nastiness in this world but a desire to surround myself with niceness instead. There are people who say you should broadcast the cruelty to animals for example, or the famine in other countries, all the horrors, because that is how they will be stopped. Awareness is all. But sometimes, when you are happily clicking through your FB feed, you don't want to unexpectedly come across an article about, for example, how people in China treat dogs ( I say no more). Stories like that make me cry. Yes they should make me cry, because they are horrific and maybe, just maybe, if we band together as a society we can change they way that horror is happening, but I still don't want to see it. If that makes me a bad person or a heartless person or an inconsiderate person to someone, then I hold my hands up. That may be the perception of some who are wholly passionate about certain points, and I commend them for it, but to me I just need sometimes not to know. It doesn't make me a bad person. I do care, very much. But sometimes it's all too much for me personally. I admire anyone that has the strength to fight and put all the horrors out there for us to be aware, but please just sometimes I want to be able to see the nice stuff. The story of Tony Foulds and his dearest wish coming true was one such story that made lot of people smile. In this world that is no bad thing is it?

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