Do I pass wind in front of my husband? Should you pass wind in front of your husband or partner or family or friends? Does it matter if you do?
Questions, questions! Let's start with me first. No, never. Well not if I can help it. That's just for me though, as I realise for other people it's not a matter of importance or even interest. I realised that when one of my sons brought home his new girlfriend who happily burped loudly in front of us from day one. Well, you know, that's not how I was brought up so initially I raised my eyebrows but said nothing. Eventually I got to know her well enough to tease her about it, and do you know what...….she stopped doing it.
Now this is a really personal thing. Personal to me, and personal to everyone. I am sure most people wonder why it matters and if it should matter at all. But you know this is all about manners to me. Yes, yes , I may be coming across as awfully old and stuffy, but it is also about a little bit of respect for people close to you, physically or otherwise. That is what I think.
Both sets of my grandparents were very well mannered people. My mother's parents entertained a lot and were very 'high up' in their village, very respected. You didn't burp or fart (eeeuuughhhh) in front of people, and if you didn't do that, then you didn't do it in front of your family either. Of course sometimes you couldn't help it but a polite 'pardon' or 'pardon me' was acceptable. Dad's family struggled with money but I always remember them as also being considered very well brought up. They always said please and thank you, said pardon me!, and basically behaved in a refined manner. Maybe they had asperations beyond their means, but it was all about how you presented yourself to other people. I've rarely heard my mother and father pass wind, and indeed as my mother has got older she has a little 'wind' problem due to medication but will rapidly race out of a room on the odd occasion, and we all know why. She is mortified if it happens in front of any of us. For her, a lady doesn't do that, full stop. I'm trying to think of if I have ever heard my father burp. Nope, I cant think of an occasion although I'm sure he has. Maybe just in front of his mates. But you never did it in front of ladies. He certainly never did, or does, in front of us females as far as I am aware.
Neil was in the army when I met him. A hive of male burping and farting and all sorts went on. He rapidly realised we didn't do it as a family when I suggested (nicely I hasten to add) he put his hand in front of his mouth when he burped. In fact he has changed so much with regard to this, that he moans at his father and brother who do it when we are there now. Is it important to me? Not in the grand scheme of things, but I do feel it is politeness and manners. Do manners matter? Yes they do. Whether you realise it or not people judge you every day on how you behave. Their perception of you is based on what you do. I have been called 'a lady' by many a person even though I am most definitely not (little do they know). First impressions matter. If you burp and fart at home or in front of your mates all the time, you will forget one day and do it in front of someone you will regret, be that a new boss, a new girlfriend/boyfriend , or their mother 😁. They may not behave like that., and you have just shocked them. Gosh I sound so judgemental but I don't mean to be.
I like the fact that people view me as 'a lady'. Even when I used to muck about and be with the boys when I was younger, I still was regarded like that, and I maybe that was why I was always treated with respect. That is such a big statement to make and don't get me wrong, I can look after myself just fine, but it is nice to be considered refined. Maybe it shouldn't matter if you burp or fart like that, as everyone should be treated with respect, but I am actually talking about something different. About what I personally think is polite in company. I will mention that it's a good job they don't see me in all my accident prone glory some days. I jolly well don't look like a lady sometimes!! Anyway all this may not be important to some people, and even reading this some people may wonder why on earth I am even writing about this, but a centuries old phrase comes to mind...….'Manners maketh a man'. Just don't ask me about families that walk about naked in front of each other!
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