Sunday, 3 February 2019

Are we too 'politically correct' now?

This isn't the blog post I was going to write this morning but I've read the Mail on Sunday and I'm cross! It's taken my mind away from the worry of Neil which is possibly a good thing. He is having a bit of a 'downer day' and is feeling a bit low. He tried to hide it ,but after a hug and a little chat I hope I've managed to show support and move him along forward, if that makes sense? It's hard, as I don't want to appear as if I am indulging his anxiety, yet I need to be able to assist him with dealing with it. He seemed okay when he got up at first ,but after he had a chat with his parents, in their usual Sunday telephone call, it seemed to hit him again that he is doing little with his life. That is his words, not mine by the way. I think the fact that the hospital still hasn't sent an appointment through to him for his bowel operation is starting to play on his mind. The weather is bad so he cant do much outside, and we have to conserve our money until we know where we are with Universal Credit. It's a sort of limbo land which he is finding very hard to cope with. I'm okay as I go to work and have some semblance of our normality, but he obviously isn't. Then we had to fill in the medical form for Universal Credit and it seemed to remind him just what the last couple of months have consisted of. I've put him in charge of our Sunday roast while I do my family history research on line......and write this post of course. It's an easy thing for him to do, and hopefully it will give him something to focus on for now. It's just little steps, doing things like that, which I hope may help to get him back to how he used to be?

Anyway, back to my annoyance. I've read two articles in the Mail on Sunday which just seem to me to show how over politically correct our media has become. I'm only on page 27 of 128 and it's made me almost physically rant out loud!!!! The first article I saw was about a US academic suggesting that Julie Andrews performance as Mary Poppins is racist. Apparently he says that yes, her face gets covered with soot in a particular scene, but then instead of wiping it off she then adds more to 'black up'. This suggests she was behaving in a mocking manner and being racist. Well good grief is nothing sacred? It's Mary Poppins. It's all about chimney sweeps for goodness sake. There has already been an out cry with people saying how ridiculous he is, but he stands by what he said. The second article was about the Saturday evening show 'The Greatest Dancer'. There is a row going on about the fact that there are too few black performers in the final. Only one of the nine finalist dance troupes are black and the show is apparently showing racial bias? Ok this may be a controversial statement but could it be that there is only one black troupe in the finals because they were the only black act good enough to be there? There may have been other black acts, and other white acts, but they didn't get to the final either because they also weren't good enough. There are claims being made that no-one should be surprised at the lack of black finalists because 'they always get rid of the black gut first'! What a daft statement. It is so important show diversity in our society, and it is right and proper to have equality. Our country has progressed far, far away from the days where there was huge amounts of racism and inequality, but it seems to me that maybe we have gone too far down the path of righteousness now. We should ignore the colour, size, sexuality, religion, etc and look at the person as 'a person'. Are they good as 'a person'?' Are they nice as a person'? Are they interesting as 'a person'? Not are they good because they are black or white or whatever? Oh I really don't think I have explained how I feel properly, but I hope you get the gist of what I m trying to say? Let's have some sense brought back to our society and stop trying to be 'too correct'! 

There is still inequality in our society but it is being addressed, and we are all aware of how wrong it is. Just don't go overboard and be silly about it. Treat everyone the same, and stop overthinking the situation.

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