Saturday, 25 May 2019

Shame on all you MPs

I was so cross yesterday that I stomped about twitter and Facebook making my feelings very plain. Theresa May has set a date for her to leave as Prime Minister. I wasn't annoyed at that. No, sadly I expected it. I was annoyed by the reaction.

First things first. Theresa May made her announcement outside number ten in Downing Street in front of the press. In fact in front of the world, as it was obviously broadcast everywhere. She was dignified in her very obvious distress, and as she crumpled with her final words the cameras clicked away to capture the moment. I don't blame them as this was breaking news, not entirely unexpected, but still big news. 

As I watched Theresa May's voice break towards the end of her speech I could only shake my head. She has always been true to herself. She has been staunch in horrendous adversity, and resolute in her aim. I do not feel anything but sympathy for her as she clearly loves our country and her job very much. I feel is that she has been sorely betrayed and chucked under the figurative bus. Those close to her muttered all the right words while plotting behind her back. She was ill advised and yet stood resolute until the end. 

What annoyed me more than anything was what happened next. Many MPs had the audacity to praise her speech and what she had tried to do, after pretty much stabbing her in the back. The hypocrites! She has never had the support of most of her MPs, and all the wheeling and dealing that went on would have destroyed any business let alone the Conservative and Unionist Party. Because that is what all those ridiculous MPs have done. They have shown the public that they cannot come to an agreement about something so important that businesses are struggling to survive, people are losing faith and the world is laughing at them. The stubbornness of some of them have placed the two major political parties in danger of never having a majority in government again. They have changed the face of politics for the foreseeable future, and all I can see is more bickering. Shame on you all. You should rightly be condemned by the people of this country for not helping Theresa May to fulfil the wish of the majority. To leave the EU. It has all been self, self, self. What the MP themselves wanted, agreed on, didn't agree on. Never what their constituents wanted. I will certainly never vote Conservative again, and neither will I vote Labour. They have made me despair for the future of this country.

The other thing that made me furious was the vilification of Theresa May on social media. The crass comments of rudeness and condemnation was uncalled for. Have an opinion sure, but there was no need for some of the comments that floated about. Many were disgusting, taunting and jeering. She was ridiculed for crying. Ridiculed for her position, and some even ridiculed her for being a women. I was furious, and made it clear to everyone around me that I felt a huge injustice was being played out. She literally was thrown to the lions! 

The next Prime Minister will be equally as determined as Theresa May was. Hopefully determined to fulfil what has been promised. But do they honestly think it will make one scrap of difference to the EU that it is a new person coming to negotiate? Will it heck. They have told us countless times that they will not budge. They have conceded on a number of issues and allowed us to delay and delay. It is costing the EU and this country time and money, and causing a horrendous uncertainty. Eventually, if they are not careful, this will turn in to serious instability in our economy. All this is down to the MPs alone. The EU don't give a jot what new offer will float over to them via a new British Prime Minister. They don't want us to leave anyway so why would they give us any more leeway? In fact the best thing that can now happen is we simply leave. We go. Bang. Shocking, but we do it. Forget any deal. A quick short sharp burst and we are gone. It would send a rocket up the EU, and show all those dithering nations that also are rumbling about saying they may wish to leave that you just have to get and do it sometimes, instead of waffling and trying to be nice.

So all you MPs. You've ousted the lady. Well you better hope and pray what you get next is what you want, or you will all have a nasty shock. You may find yourself wishing Theresa May was still Prime Minister!

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