Tuesday, 21 May 2019

People really are rather nice....

I've read a fabulous story today. It's all about good faith and an outpouring of sympathy. In fact it's all about us humans.

This weekend just gone the members of the Market Deeping Model Railway Club were to have held a charity exhibition. They had worked tirelessly, and were going to show years of railway modeling in their club premises. On Saturday they woke up to a scene of total devastation. A gang of yobs had pulverised all their work, trashing it with hammers and destroying everything. I am not a railway model enthusiast but I can imagine just how they felt. Not only was the charity event wrecked, but also all their years of painstaking work and time.

The yobs are three fifteen years olds and a sixteen year old. They were duly arrested by the police and are now under investigation for burglary and criminal damage. What a sad state of affairs for some of the youth of today.  How must their parents feel to have this destruction all over the media? I hope they are ashamed. I have no idea what possessed the boys to do this, but I hope they are punished enough that they never do it again. Named and shamed I think?

This story has an amazingly lovely outcome though. The members appealed for help, trying to raise five hundred pounds to cover the cost of their losses. This appeal went viral, world wide. Donations came in from every where, including one of ten thousand pounds from Rod Stewart, himself a model railway enthusiast. Money has poured in, not only from those that love this hobby, but from anyone and everyone. The story touched the hearts of many. To date the amount raised exceeds eighty six thousand pounds! Yes you read that right. Eighty six thousand pounds. The lovely members of the club are not going to take it all. Instead they will use some of it to repair the damage and the rest will go to a charitable trust. What kind people they are. 

When I read this I thought about how lovely people really are. We read so much about wars, crime, death and all the bad things in life, and yet here we are with a wonderful tale that restores your faith in human kind. Most people do care, and most people show it. At heart the world is actually a rather nice place to live in and long may it stay like that. It just goes to show that deep inside us there is an admiration for people like the members of the Market Deeping Model Railway Club. Long may people like them carry on doing the simpler things in life, the rather nice pleasure of model making. 

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