It's all gone quiet on the Brexit front. In fact parliament seems remarkably silent. That's always a worry!
This country has had two years of absolute hell, to be frank. We had a democratic vote on whether to leave the EU and since then our country has been divided. At first it was a noisy divide but now it seems to have snuck below the parapet. Instead we still have mutterings and moans when the subject is raised but I think the MPs have got the message. Shut up bickering and get on with your job of fulfilling the result of the vote.
It's always worrying when things go quiet. It's like the child in the other room that is up to mischief and you only find out about it once it's done. I feel the same way about our MPs right now. They are up to something and I get the feeling we will be presented with a fait accompli at some point soon, and even if we disagree there will be nothing we can do about it. Either that, or maybe they are actually getting down to business and sorting out the mess we seem to be in right now? Who knows what is going on!
To the country's utter horror we are now in a position of appearing to be on our (very slow) way to leaving the EU, yet have taken so long about the process we will have to elect MEPs to sit in something we will not be in soon (hopefully). The MEP elections are happening on the 23rd May and there has been hardly a peep out of the political parties. Very little campaigning is happening and it's almost like everyone is embarrassed about it all. And well may they be embarrassed! What a ridiculous position to be in. To have to vote for, and pay for, MEPs that may have very little input in an organisation we are leaving is a complete waist of time and money. Unfortunately the rules and contract we have with the EU means we have to go through this process. These MEPs will be hardly more than a glorified status symbol to the EU, with very little power. Why would the EU listen to our MEPs if we are leaving? It seems that no -one wants our MPs to go through this process and yet we have no choice. I think whoever is elected will show Parliament exactly how the people of this country feel. If the new Brexit Party win a majority then it will show parliament how strong the feeling is to get on and leave. If the new Change UK win the majority then parliament will know much of the country wants to stay in the EU, and of course it could be divided right down the middle just like the vote two years ago. Notice I say very little about the Conservatives or Labour or Liberals, or indeed any other political party. That's because I really will be surprised if any of them get the majority of the votes. To be honest I wonder if people will actually go out and vote again. Most people seems heartily sick of the whole process and this is just one more idiotic factor to show us how our parliament seem annoyingly unable to do anything properly.
It must be very difficult of you are running a business, are a farmer, trying to make a living or just getting on with your life. Uncertainty is very destabilising, We are in a stalemate political time and it cannot go on for much longer. I feel like there is going to be a 'big bang' after all this silence. The statistics show that the people of this country tend to vote with their feet. There are two possible scenarios for the 23rd. No one bothers or everyone bothers. I don't think there will be an in-between. Maybe everyone has got bored with it all? Apathy is a very dangerous position to get into. Let's hope the country will 'speak' again on the 23rd and really shake up Parliament so they get it in to their heads the British people are very very cross indeed...………..
The EU Elections
Which parties are standing
List of candidates
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