I am incredibly lucky to live in a country that allows freedom of speech and refuses to tolerate any form of discrimination, but sometimes I think we edge just a little too far in the opposite direction.
Take the example of a GP who is being investigated by the doctor's watchdog. The claim is that Dr Keith Wolverson discriminated against a Muslim woman for asking her to remove her veil. Now I am totally pro the freedom to be able to wear anything you like, and practice your religion openly and honestly. It is what makes our country so wonderful. You can pretty much be whatever you want as long as it doesn't encroach on or harm another person. Another person's what? Feelings? Religious belief? Mantra? It's a touchy subject, and the definition is not always clearly defined within our laws. It's all a matter of how the person who believes they are being discriminated against feels. Perspective. That's what it comes down to.
So this doctor asked the woman to remove her veil because he could not hear her explain about her sick daughter's symptoms. I suppose it could be considered controversial, but then you would expect someone wearing a scarf across their face to remove it when trying to explain something important to a doctor. It is paramount that any doctor is able to make a correct diagnosis, and if this doctor couldn't hear this lady's words then it's understandable that he made the request. It all gets a bit muddy after that. The woman complied, but later said she felt she had to because Dr Wolverson would not have carried on with the consultation if she hadn't done so. The doctor has subsequently received a letter telling him he is under investigation for racial discrimination.
There's a bit of a rumpus building now. Dr Wolverson says he is planning to leave his job whatever the outcome. He is deeply upset, and could be struck off if the investigation finds him at fault. This is after 23 years with an unblemished record. The woman is also upset, and states that the doctor was rude and 'gave her a dirty look' leaving her shocked and crying. She felt victimised and racial discriminated against. There has been divided opinion about this case. The religious wishes of patients need to be respected but they also need to be balanced with a safety aspect. There really needs to be clearer guidelines, and to lose a doctor over such a situation would be a real travesty. We have few enough doctors as it is, although that in itself is no reason if there has been a wrong-doing. Maybe the guidelines could include a doctor having a nurse present or another female, in this sort of situation? I think if I had been this woman I would have asked to see a female doctor anyway, but maybe she felt intimidated. Either way I think the situation could have been avoidable, but it has definitely gone too far.
If you wear a motor cycle helmet you should remove it before entering banks, before entering hospitals and yes before seeing a doctor. While the veil, hijab, burka and niqab are worn for religious reasons sometimes they need to be removed for medical assessment. We are actually a Christian country and I just think there is a little too much 'sensitivity' in matters like this. Too much political, religious and human rights and not enough common sense.
Where will this end? By the looks of things we will have one less doctor by the end of the investigation, whatever the outcome. Really my hope this that someone will look at this case and realise it goes further than it appears. It rocks the foundations of our very multiracial free spirited Christian country. We are on shaky ground, and I think we are in danger of a wider outcry and rebellious movement occurring if this sort of thing carries on. The country is already divided on Brexit and some of that was due to a concern about where our country is heading racially wise. Don't let this get out of hand. We are so lucky to live here and long may it keep being a 'green and pleasant land'.
Dear Carla You sound such a kind and gentle person. I weep inside for dear souls such as yourself when most of Islam hates us. Please do more reading and know enough truth about them to be prepared for future eventualities. With love.