Monday, 22 April 2019

Why are you using a barbecue in the countryside in the hot weather?

Bit of a sweeping statement I know, but I think disposable and portable barbecues need to be banned. It's the only way that we can help stop the destruction of our fabulous countryside. Don't smoke in the countryside either. You can wait for your fag until you get home. In fact put those firelighters, matches, lighters away. Do not use them in the countryside!

Yet again, the sun is out and some idiot has used a disposable barbecue to have some food without actually thinking about the consequences. It surely doesn't take much sense to realise that the ground is tinder dry right now? Any tiny spark will set the vegetation alight, and yet, sure enough, some idiot has done exactly that. 

There were a number of heath fires over the Easter weekend this year, and every time it gets hot we see the same thing happen again! Why some people think it's fun to start a fire I have no idea. As for barbecues? I can't even control a barbecue at home, let alone one out in the countryside (or on a beach). Fire is dangerous. You cannot argue with that fact, and yet people still muck about with it in the least safe places. Some of the fires over the weekend were caused deliberately which is even more of a concern. What twit does something like that? Everyone has seen footage of fires in the summer, and how they spread. It isn't even the loss of the fabulous countryside that we are lucky enough to have in this country that is so distressing. The massive loss of animal life is beyond belief, and how anyone can cause such wanton cruelty and destruction is beyond me. It is not funny. It is not exciting. It is not helping our fire service. 

The distressing pictures of the speed of the fires spreading is sad and frightening to see every single year. There is plenty that everyone can do to stop this though. Don't actually have a barbecue in the countryside. You don't need to. You can buy barbecue flavoured food and you can put it in a cool bag/rucksack. You will still have the smoky flavoured food and fun without the threat of a massive fire. Be vigilant. If you see anyone with a barbecue in the countryside I suggest a video or photo, plus a telephone call to the land owners. I don't advocate chucking a lot of water over it but I know I would be tempted. 

All of this is such  waste of our fire and police resources. While tackling a selfishly started fire in the countryside heathland they are being taken away from emergencies that could end up with a serious loss of life. In fact our fire services throughout the country on this Easter weekend fought countless fires in towns, cities and yes even out on the heathlands while we sat and enjoyed our leisure time. An extraordinary amount of those fires were started deliberately. 

So back to my earlier statement. There will always be idiots who don't think about what they are doing. There will always be idiots that start fires deliberately. But maybe we can do something really small to help the situation by, perhaps, getting supermarkets and shops to stop selling disposable barbecues? I don't want to spoil the fun of those that enjoy barbecues but come on, lets be sensible here. You know the risks before you light it in that countryside. There is enough media coverage every year to show you exactly what could happen, and usually does. There is no excuse to think that you are sensible, and it won't happen with you because you know how to use a disposable barbecue, or for that fact any portable barbecue! It is dangerous. It is idiotic, and it is dangerous. There is no excuse for using one in such an environment.

So what I'm suggesting is if your friends suggest a midnight disposable barbecue, a portable barbecue or even a campfire barbecue in the countryside, how about telling them NO? How about reminding them of the fact that a fire is started so easily since the vegetation is so dry that it is idiotic and irresponsible? How about being the sensible people and just going and enjoying yourself without the potential loss of  animal life? How about just having fun instead of destroying the very nice place you thought you would visit? How about we ban those barbecues? In fact don't buy them, then the shops will realise they don't sell and stop offering them. People power. It works.

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