It's very hot. That means the shirts are off. I wish the shirts weren't off.
What is it about this weather that some, and I say some, men think this means they have to walk down the street bare chested? Oh I am so going to sound like I am a grumpy old woman, but surely there is a time and place for not wearing your shirt? Preferably during the day on the beach or garden, or at night in bed?
I mean take today for example. I was happily cruising along in my car only to be confronted by a man wearing just shorts and shoes pushing a pushchair. It is hot, I'll get that, but does he really think that is a suitable sight for walking along the street? Maybe he does? He wouldn't have been allowed in the supermarket dressed, or should I say undressed, like that though. You should wear a top, and you should wear footwear, in a supermarket. It may seem petty, but it's all to do with hygiene and decorum, and anyway supermarkets are flipping cold. Ever been in one of those in the height of summer? You need an overcoat, and that's not even down the chiller aisle!
I've said it before and I will say it again, what is it about a bit of sun that makes men pull their shorts on? It can be a touch over winter, the sun appears and so do those legs. You see all the ladies covered up with cardies and coats and the men are baring it all. It's like they are saying 'look at me, I am hard'. I'm actually teasing here. It doesn't bother me in the least to see a fella walking shirtless down the street, though maybe I do raise my eyebrows a bit. I'm a little old fashioned in that way really. But if the girls can strut about in bikini tops, for example, then why can't the men be bare chested? Let's have a bit of equality here. It does no harm and we all need our vitamin D. But to be honest, I think I would prefer to see 'tops on' in a food establishment please.
I did check out a poll on Digital Spy which asked the question, 'Shirtless in the Supermarket, yah or nay?' and actually the consensus seems to be 'nay', interestingly enough. One or two of the comments suggest that seeing a near naked body pressed up against the dividers on the food counters is not appealing, neither is it particularly pleasant to see a sweaty naked body. But actually there is no retail law or legal requirement for you to have to wear shoes or tops in a supermarket, though most supermarkets will politely ask you to place a top on at least. Maybe it's all to do with the 'suing everyone for anything' era where, if there is no disclaimer, you can get compensation for something? What if you weren't wearing footwear and you trod on some nut shells scattered about which can be seriously sharp? What if you were shirtless and you leant against the freezer and got an ice burn? I mean, joking aside, both of those scenarios would really hurt. I suppose you could hurt yourself even if you were wearing a top or shoes but it's all about due care. Every place has a sign-off sheet where they have had to check the surroundings to make sure they have taken all reasonable measures of safety. This is the law. Maybe not wearing footwear could cause you to have a problem you wouldn't have otherwise had if you had worn footwear? Mind you anyone can sue you for any reason, it's whether they could have avoided that 'accident' that's important.
When you live in a seaside town, as I do, it's usual to see people in a state of undress for a lot of the time. Most pubs and bars and food establishments actually won't allow someone in if they are not 'appropriately dressed', and that tends to mean wearing shoes and tops. Many of those establishments have a dress code, and everyone adheres to it usually, apart from the odd person that tries to get in to the nightclub wearing trainers. You always get one trier! So even if there isn't a sign outside that supermarket saying 'please wear footwear and tops' let's have a bit of common decency and cover up a bit. After all you are probably only going to be in there for a short time, and to be honest if you were going to be in there for a long time you'd get a mite chilly as I've said before.
Anyway, I thought I'd make up some rules for the supermarket -
Please always have footwear on. You could trod on a squashed grape. Squashed grapes between your toes are yukky.
Please always wear a top. You could burn yourself on the deli hot chicken counter glass. That will hurt a lot.
Please do not allow your children to sit inside the trolley. Feet are meant to be on the floor not on the trolley. Feet can be dirty and therefore your food will get dirty.
Please do not allow your child to hang off the trolley. Trolley's tip up and we've seen it happen, taking the child with it! It will hurt your child.
Please do not sample all the grapes, tomatoes, etc.without asking. Supermarket food is not free so it's polite to ask first. Imagine if everyone did it? There would be no grapes, tomatoes, etc.
Please do not lean over the food counter. The staff wear protective clothes for hygiene reasons. You don't want hair in your cheese do you?
Please do not stand and read the newspaper from front to back and then replace it without buying it. We all want to buy a newspaper that hasn't been crumpled up first by a previous reader.
Please smile at the staff and say thank you. They have had hours of demanding customers and screaming children and still have to smile at you. You will make their day.
Feel free to make up some more...…..😅
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