Wow I was in a grumpy mood yesterday. It came on suddenly like a wave over my head, and that was it..........I had to go and sit in the bath for half an hour !
It was a lovely day, and Neil and I popped out to pick up some meat for a roast dinner. The bad mood crept up on me while we were in the supermarket, and I found myself snapping away like a crocodile after a fish. Snap snap snipe, and the feeing grew and grew until I thought I was going to pop. Imagine going pop in a supermarket? I wanted to chuck myself on the floor, on my stomach, and drum my fists and heels on the floor screaming ahhhhhhh. Imagine the surprise on everyone's face! That's a normal paddy for a toddler, but not for an approaching sixty somewhat flushed almost neurotic woman. I've always wanted to do that. I bet everyone would snigger in envy. Don't tell me you haven't secretly wanted to chuck stuff around and have a real screaming fit in a supermarket before? If only I was brave enough!
I have absolutely what the problem was, but I could feel the annoyance and grumpiness bubbling away. The only way to cope was to go completely silent and just nod when Neil asked me questions. He kept giving me furtive glances, but I think the waves of electric thunder clouds whizzing around my head scared him off. The air pretty much crackled. In fact he spent a fair bit of time circling round me like a wary dog trying to grab a treat without anyone seeing...….It didn't work. The thunder cloud got blacker.
When we got home I almost ran into the bathroom to turn on the taps. I wanted to sit in a bath of hot water and let the world carry on without me. Neil hadn't even done anything! I genuinely did not have a clue why I was feeling like I was but I just wanted to be on my own for a while. The bath worked. I felt better afterwards. Hey a bath as therapy? Maybe that could be my new business....a bath for stress. I am sure I am not the only one to escape in to a bath when the going gets explosive? I suppose something must have triggered my bad mood, and maybe it was just the frustration of the last few months that decided to appear on my quiet Sunday morning?
I couldn't sleep last night either, so something is obviously on my mind but for the life of me I cant quite work it out yet. I've had a lot of stress and sometimes I think it's getting on top of me. Every now and again I suppose I just need to let the cork out and relieve the strain. I had a proper bubble bath. In fact I used so much bubble bath I almost had my own bubble machine at one point. Maybe I should have tagged my inner child and just stuck a load of bubbles on my head and played with a rubber duck? What I did was read. I read a library book! The risk. Imagine if it had fallen in the bath? "Dear Mr Library Man, I am afraid I inadvertently deposited one of your books in my bubble bath while using it for therapeutic reasons. Unfortunately it did not float ,and therefore I suspect no other reader will be able to enjoy the story and find out who murdered the missing man. I also apologise that no other reader will find out where the missing man was. I have checked the cost of replacing the book on Amazon and can find a replacement copy for twenty pence on kindle or one pound fifty in paperback. I hope this will be satisfactory and I look forward to your reply. Yours...…"
It's amazing what a bath can do for the mood :-)
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