Friday, 26 April 2019

Resorting to petty showmanship is not how to change people's minds!

As everyone is aware, I like to put my two penny's worth in. The arguments about Chris Packham seems to be getting a mite out of hand, frankly. It's all getting a bit silly. 

I watch his programmes and to me he seems a well informed passionate man. I don't always agree with everything he says but that's no bad thing. Most of us don't agree with everyone about everything all the time! So anyway, Packham set up a private, non-profit company called Wild Justice with conservationists Mark Avery and Ruth Tingay, who launched a legal challenge to change the countryside laws around the birds. At the moment birds such as crows, wood pigeons and jays can be killed as they are considered 'pest' birds. I have seen some real hysterical out pouring's after people have posted pictures of lambs being attacked by these birds. I have read posts that suggest these birds are a menace to the countryside and farmers. 

It's true that sometimes these 'pest' birds do attack animals, but having looked at lots of discussions on the internet it seems that most of the time those attacked animals are weak, abandoned, dying or dead. I am not a farmer and maybe some of those farmers have a problem, but I did see one farmer admit his sheep are so well looked after they tend to get fat and as a result have a problem being vulnerable. He mentioned that sometimes they end up 'cast', and on their backs, and can't get up because of their weight. That's when an attack sometimes happen.

My own personal opinion, and to be honest that's based on the fact I have a bird feeder and all sorts of birds come and feed on it, including magpies, crows and pigeons, is that birds get along. Crows and magpies stick to carrion the majority of the time but will use the feeders. The sparrows use it, the robin, the blue tits, often at the same time as those bigger birds. The smaller birds are not afraid of those bigger birds either. Maybe it's different with livestock? I don't really know what problems other people may be having, but I'm not sure that shooting those birds will make a difference? It's mankind that has caused the problem. We're encroaching more and more on the territory of wildlife, and as a result they are having to live closer to us than years ago. Obviously that means they will utilise any 'food' they can even if that is farmers livestock. Maybe we should think about looking at ourselves and ask if we are the root of the problem? It doesn't make it any less distressing for those on the receiving end of hurt livestock though.

As for Chris Packham? He is on the receiving end of two petitions. One that has called for him to be sacked from an 'impartial BBC' ,which is utter tosh. The BBC is far from impartial as has been proved many a time. Just look at their reporting of politics. Anyway, the petition states that he should be impartial, and using his celebrity status to promote an anti hunting agenda and country 'sports' is wrong in his position. Well tell that to every celebrity that has promoted something they believe in. They all do it. It's the fact they are celebrities that help their cause! Then there is another petition to tell the BBC they shouldn't sack him. The supporters of that petition feel that his campaigns are justified and based on scientific evidence. It's stalemate really, as they both have a similar amount of signatures. 

What is alarming is that Chris Packham has become a target for some idiots who strung up two dead crows outside his home and glued the lock on his gate so he couldn't get out. Well that's a sensible thing to do isn't it? Talk about making a twit of yourself, whoever did it.  All you've done is open yourself to prosecution for harassment and ridiculed your cause. Let's try and behave a little more grown up and understand that it's all about allowing progressive discussion to happen, and realising that you cannot get everyone to agree. 

Chris Packham has said he will not allow the perpetrators of the crime to batter him down, and that he will continue to campaign using evidence for his reasoning. Good on him, and everyone else who does exactly that. As for us, let's do our research and not get all emotive about this subject. I know how I feel, but I have done a large amount of research to come to my conclusion and read the arguments. I feel that is the only way to stand up for what you believe in, and I hope most people will agree with me and not resort to petty violence to try and pointlessly prove their belief?

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