Thursday, 4 April 2019

Of Aliens and Ghosts..........

Project Blue Book. Interesting television programme. Do aliens exist? Do UFOs exist? Tough one. It's a bit like saying do ghosts exist? Everyone has an idea. Everyone has a point of vie w. 

I'm of the school of 'I pretty much need to see it to believe it' with stuff like that. I think we can all 'see' things, especially if you have a good imagination. I can certainly 'see' things if I have had too much to drink! I can see two of them sometimes!! But I do know that some people feel very strongly that there are matters we don't know about or understand 'out there'. (I'm using a lot of inverted commas today....and exclamation marks). 

I can spook myself quite easily. The hairs on the back of my neck can prickle when I'm walking in the dark to the toilet at night, though that might just be because I'm shivering with the cold? I also feel very strongly that you can inadvertently put suggestions into your mind. I remember once that I was sitting in our sitting room doing a lot of research on my laptop about my hobby. I like to trace my ancestors and delve in to the family history. The door was open to our hallway, the room was brightly lit and Neil was sitting next to me watching television. I glanced up at some point and then glanced back to my laptop. In those fleeting seconds I was totally sure a man was standing in the doorway, and I could see him reflected in the mirror opposite that door. In fact I was so sure, that I looked up again and stared hard at the mirror. I turned to Neil and said 'I have just seen a man standing in the doorway'. He has told me countless times that I sounded very sure of what I had seen. I wasn't worried or perplexed. Just knew what I had seen. But my theory to myself is that I had subliminally been thinking of my research. I have, over the years, been seriously hunting for information about my grandfather's WW1 war records. I think that was in the back of my mind. My mind was playing tricks on me, after all it was a fleeting glance. But...…..but...….did I in fact see something? The person I thought I saw was in the doorway, reflected in the mirror. There were no shadows in the hallway, and our sitting room was lit very well. The television was not facing the doorway so it couldn't have been a flicker of the light. The curtains were closed so no car headlights could have thrown a shadow either. I still think it was my imagination, but what if it wasn't? Now I am getting freaked out. I have always said I don't think ghosts exist, but I suppose you cant prove this one way or another. The imagination has a power beyond what you can explain sometimes. 

Aliens are another matter. I remember going to the cinema to see the film 'Alien'. There had been nothing like that alien ever before in cinema history. It scared me silly, and still makes me shiver today. Part of it is the atmosphere the director and producer created, but part of it is that I desperately wanted to save the cat! Forget about Ripley the crew member. I needed Jonesy the cat to survive! Just a little point of interest is that we named two of our cats after these characters. Our Ripley cat was a female tortoiseshell, and Jonesy was my boy, a ginger tom just like the cat in the film. Ripley cat was just as feisty as Ripley crew member, and Jonesy boy cat was just as cute as Jonesy film star cat. Jonesy film star cat survived by the way! Anyway I'm never going in to space so I wont meet any aliens like that!

The word 'alien' doesn't just mean a creature like the one in the film. It means something 'belonging to a foreign country', an 'extraterrestrial being' or something 'unfamiliar'. Well anything other worldly can jolly well stay there. Forget the 'lets be friends with aliens' theory. If an alien arrives here on earth it will have far more power and intelligence than us, so that's scary enough. They also will have far more technology than us so we will be the inferior. We are also quite a volatile species, and so there is no telling what super military power will have a pop at any alien. It could all end in tears. Nope. Better to think they don't exist then I can sleep easy at night!

What about UFOs? Well that's a different kettle of fish. I think they maybe do exist but not in the 'came from outer space' way. I think they are developments that the Military are involved in. Something all in the 'national security' way, and have to be tested. We see the tests. The Americans and the British wouldn't want the Russians, for example, to know what they were developing weapon wise, so it would have to be hush hush. The normal person on the street couldn't know what was going on, therefore if we saw something unusual it would be classified as a UFO. Saying that, there have been some interesting footage from the International space station, and satellites, which could show 'UFOs'. Then again, maybe they are space debris? We think we know all there is to know about space, but I feel there is a lot more to learn. Unfortunately videos and pictures can be doctored so easily now, so it's difficult to see or believe anything unless you were there with other witnesses. There are countless videos on YouTube you can watch while thinking 'is this doctored'. We will probably never know the truth.

We live in a beautiful world...….if some people were not trying to destroy it or blow it up...…..and our technology and knowledge is growing all the time. Science is finding out more and more strange and wonderful things about our world, and the stars beyond. Who knows what will be proven in the future? Maybe one day someone will read this blog and think how daft were the thoughts of people? We look back at even twenty years ago, and the knowledge we have now is far beyond what was known then. The speed of our learning is amazing, and I often wonder what my children and grandchildren will think when they look back to our era. I have always said I would like to live until the middle of this century. To make it till 2050. That's my 'year dot' if you like. Because of the leaps and bounds that happened last century I think, and hope, that the same strides will have been made this century. It will be so  amazing to have seen the changes and the differences. I could make it. I will be 90 in 2050. What will the future hold? I aim to find out!

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