I do not need to see the horrific pictures of animal and child cruelty currently doing the rounds on Facebook. I know about it already. Theses images burn in to my mind and will haunt me until the end of my days.
I understand why people post the images. They think it will bring awareness to the world that very very bad things are happening. That there are very very cruel people in this world. That there are terrible things going on and we can stop it. Actually we can't. It is impossible to stop every single one of these heartless immoral evil people, and that is why they do it. Because, for every one person that is caught and punished....and I really do believe that the punishment is not enough, by far......there is another stupid idiot who will think it's okay, and do it.
So I know this happens. I know that not everyone is nice. I know that there are some people who think animals, for example, have no personality. That they have no souls. That they have no love. That's why, in this country, it is still so difficult to change our law to make the punishment for cruelty to animals far more than it is now. MP's are not convinced that animals are sentient beings. Well I disagree. You only have to spend time with animals to know they feel pain. You can see this when they are hurt or ill. They can show love. You can see this in the response they give when shown care and respect and love from us. They have different personalities. Read any animal pet blog or FB page or post and you will know this. They can be naughty. Our cat Hugo knows he isn't allowed on the kitchen work top. (We use the 'loud clap' method to startle them when they do something we would prefer them not to, ie scratch the sofa, etc) He still goes up there. He runs and hides when he is caught up there. They do know right from wrong if taught this. Hugo definitely knows he shouldn't be up there. They are conscious beings. There is no arguing with that. They can also think for themselves, and make decisions, and you can see that with the many wildlife programmes on television. It is not always just instinct.
We don't know enough about the other life around us. Through the powerful documentaries in the media we are only just learning about our world. Perceptions are changing thank goodness, and I believe future generations will look back in utter horror at the disrespect and the utter lack of feeling in the way we have treated other life. I firmly believe all life deserves respect. We should treat other life as we wish to be treated. Those people out there that don't care or have no empathy are actually psychotic and deserve all they get when they are caught.
I know human cruelty goes on. I read about it in the media. I still don't need to actually see the horrors that happen. The descriptions are enough for me, and indeed there is no doubt there are some very evil people in this world.
Our world is not always a nice place and we can shut our eyes to the horrors that go on, but most of us do know what is out there. We realise that not every one is nice, respectful, good. We do not need to see the horrors that happen to animals....and people....to know this. Once seen you cannot unsee, and I do not wish to be haunted by nasty images for the rest of my life. I do want to help, and one of the ways I do this is by donating to various welfare charities every month. Even with Neil out of work I have kept this up, though my donations have sadly had to drop slightly. I can't physically help, so hopefully my contribution will go towards those who can help. Those who can support and prevent all those evil things from happening?
In Buddhism, sentient beings are beings with consciousness, sentience, or in some contexts life itself. Sentient beings are composed of the five aggregates, or skandhas: matter, sensation, perception, mental formations and consciousness.
Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive or experience subjectively.
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