Thursday, 21 March 2019

MP - a representation of the voters.

I suspect many people feel the same as me. I am heartily sick of our MP's. 

What is an MP? The dictionary definition is MP - A member of Parliament. A representation of the voters. 

Dear MP's please note this word 'representation'.

As a voter in my country I can only look at the shambles going on in our Parliament with utter horror and despair. The situation, all surrounding Brexit, is escalating instead of coming to it's end. The government should be coming together and supporting the Prime Minister, and yet this is not what is going on. It is interesting to note that many of the MP's who had the majority of constituents vote to leave the EU are actually fighting every thing the Prime Minister is putting forward. This proves to me that they are not impartial, and are basically following their own beliefs instead of those that elected them. They seem to believe they are representable for the voters, when that is clearly not what is happening. How dare they think they know better than your voters? In fact I find it hard to see any MP doing what their constituents want right now.

Whether you voted to remain or leave, the small majority vote was to go. What are we going to do? Have another 'people's vote'? I think MP's may be surprised to find that, whatever people voted for, they just want it all just to complete now. What if the 'people's vote' was to accept the Prime Minister's deal? What if the majority vote was to carry on leaving? Well what a shock to those MP's. I think many of those MP's will not be voted in at the next elections. People are not stupid, and MP's are not above them, smarter than them, or even more knowledgeable than them. They were voted in for a reason, and I suspect many of them have got caught up in the passion of their own beliefs, rather than doing their job.

So now we are at the impasse, with our Prime Minister looking like she could keel over at any moment. I have admiration for her. She is not who I would have picked to lead this country, and I feel she has a tenuous hold on her MP's, but she is trying very hard to bring to fruition what the majority of the voters wanted. For that, and her tenacity, she should be commended. 

I actually fear for her health. She looks more frail every day and sometimes I wonder if deep down her MP's are trying to kill her!! Honestly, I do. Because no-one can stand this sort of infighting for very long. The stress and strain will destroy the body and exhaust the mind. I know I am sounding rather dramatic but medically you need a strong constitution to deal with that amount of pressure. She must be exhausted. I now think we are at the stage of a 'witch hunt'. There is a nasty taste in the mouth when you look at our Parliament. The distaste of the people is clear to see and hear, with many mutterings going on. We basically have a rabble and infight happening in our Parliament!! Maybe they should learn from history. There comes a point when people rebel, whether by their votes or by their actions. We are so close to that stage now that MP's should fear for their jobs. 

I don't know what the end result will be. Right now, if I am honest, I would like the EU to turn around and say 'you wanted to leave so just go'. They won't of course, because it isn't in their interest, but they must be as fed up as we all are? There are too many horror stories around about what will happen if this....if that....possibly....maybe....Well we just don't know, so please can we just get on with it. MP's get on with your actual job. Do it. Once we do, we can get on with our lives, and bring stability back to the country. We can then be proud of our country, and start to live again...……

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