Well it's taken me this long to lose faith in our Government. I feel like the whole of Parliament is imploding and taking the country with it. Brexit is the elephant in the room. No one says anything about it, but it's still there.
I said I wouldn't write anything about Brexit but it's impossible to ignore it so I apologise now. Today I am going to mull over the whole mess, and write exactly what I think about it all! Everyone whispers about Brexit but no one seems to want to actually come out and say anything. It's probably because of the real passion that everyone had when the initial vote happened. I mean complete families fell out during that time, the media became hysterical, and everyone watched the results coming in with bated breath. I'm not going to say how I voted, but most of family agreed with me and voted the same way. We had our own reasons for how we voted, as did everyone else.I still remember going off to vote on 23rd June 2016, and feeling the heightened excitement almost fizzle in the air. Off I went to bed absolutely sure that we would be remaining in the EU. I woke up to a text from my German cousin. He simply said "we are so sorry that the UK feels this way and today is a very sad day for us". I do remember squinting at the text thinking what the hell was he on about? A glimmer of shock hit me and I went downstairs to turn on the tv. The news station was going absolutely mad and I had to sit down for a while to take it all in. The UK had voted to leave! It was a close call but 51.9% of people who voted and wanted to leave. I can't remember what I replied to my cousin but I felt subdued. I genuinely hadn't expected that result, and in all the build up to the vote I had forgotten how my cousins would feel. It was a wake up call.
You honestly could not have predicted the mess and uproar that has been going on in this country since that day. On the day the results were announced various shouts went out for a recount, another referendum, a fix, the old people don't understand so that's why they voted to leave, the young people have had their futures wrecked by the result, the pound would devalue, businesses would go under, and so on. Families fell out again, and the EU definitely fell out with the UK. We had alienated ourselves from the rest of the world. Everyone had something to say.
Our Prime Minister, Theresa May, admitted she voted to remain, yet I will say that she has been magnanimous to all those who disagreed with her and has always said she would honour the result of the referendum.. She invoked Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which gives both sides two years to agree the terms of the split, on 29th March 2017. But it was never going to be easy was it? The negotiations have seemed to go on forever, and the bickering MP's have really started to grate on everyone now. We are due to leave at 11pm on Friday 29th March 2019 but still no-one in Parliament can agree how we should do this. We appear to be at an impasse. I, along with everyone else, have watched Theresa May go to the EU countless times with our proposed terms, and then have watched her return with their offer. We have all seen the arguing in Parliament, and have all seen the results of the votes as to whether to accept the EU terms. None of this has been pretty to watch. I personally have been disgusted with our MPs, and for the first time feel a real despair for the future of our country. Can no one agree and pull together? Is all this disagreeing worth the risk to our businesses, and to the people of the UK? I just want to shake our MPs and tell them to get their act together. They, and they alone, have caused these last two years to be a nightmare for everyone. Theresa May looks like a wraith as she is so thin, and quite frankly she also looks exhausted. Even if you don't agree with the result, you cannot say she has not worked hard to deliver what the majority of the UK wanted? I do also feel she has the respect of most of the country because of how dignified she has been.
So where are we now? We are having vote after vote on what to accept and how to progress. If there is another 'people's vote' I think there will be riots. I fear for the democracy of our country to be frank. I also fear for politics. It will be very interesting to see what happens in the next General Election. So my plea goes out to everyone.....stay calm, stay focused, stay respectful, stay safe in these uncertain times. Oh, and if you are fed up with all the bickering going on you may just have to turn off your computer, your mobile and all your media, and take a holiday on a tropical island! Enjoy yourself. It wont be quiet as there may be quite a few of us there too!!
Brexit -
The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
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