Thursday, 24 January 2019

Lego models, crotchet cushions and the joy of hobbies........

I'm sitting here watching my husband make a Lego model, thinking about how the years have passed. He's only really started to make the models in the last three years and it's turned in to a huge hobby. I honestly didn't realise how many adult men 'play' with Lego!! The Branch Manager of the shop where I work had a garage full of Lego. He didn't let his sons play with it as they had their own, and he even had a complete Lego railway. My eldest son asked for an expensive Lego model for his fortieth birthday, and I suppose it's something he can always keep and is a nice memory. I've been told that if you buy certain models, and then never open the box so they stay in pristine condition, they could be worth a lot of money at some point in the future!! I can't really see the point of that, but maybe I just don't have the insider knowledge of creating a Lego inheritance? To be honest I don't see the excitement of building a Lego model either, but it's been very therapeutic for Neil. It's given him something to focus on and forget about any stress he's feeling. The only down side to it all is that we've had to buy a new cupboard to put all the models in, and that one is full so now I am wondering where we are going to put the model he is making. It is HUGE! 

Have you ever tried to dust Lego? It's better off in a cupboard believe me. 

I do love the concentration on Neil's face as he sorts through and constructs it...….

When I had some knee operations some years ago I couldn't do much, so decided to go back to my teenage years and start to crotchet. I had a great time, and loved every minute of making covers for all the cushions on the sofa. I think Neil and my sons were totally bemused by the rather old fashioned covers that appeared over the six months I was off work, but I thought they looked great. They probably lasted a year before I got fed up with the cat's getting heir claws stuck in the holes of the wool, and trying to wrestle them to the floor. I'm back to normal fabric covers now. 

I tend to relax and forget about any problems or stress by reading books, actual real books not reading on a kindle or tablet. I like to feel the book, and turn the paper pages and that's all part of the pleasure for me. I have always like reading and confess to even reading a book while on the loo. I must get that from my father and grandfather who did it too. Apparently, the toilet was the only place my grandfather could escape from his family of wife and four daughters for a bit of peace and quiet, so he would hide in there with a book! A couple of years ago I also started to trace my family ancestors, and have created quite a comprehensive family tree. It fascinates me, and I just wish I had spoken more to my grandparents about their lives. It makes me realise that you need to cling to your family, and listen to the stories of your parents and your relatives, because the past is what defines and makes us. You can learn so much from those around us, and once they are gone all those fabulous tales will be lost.

So, Neil is still building his model and I can see he is really enjoying himself. Do I understand? Nope! But am I glad he is relaxing and forgetting for a while? Oh yes. I do love him.

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