I've got a secret crush on Professor Brian E Cox. It's only just happened, but I can feel myself going all silly when I watch him on tv. For a woman of fifty nine this is somewhat disconcerting!
Obviously I've known about him before now, after all he is well known in the media, but I've never actually listened to him until last week. He is presenting a new program all about the planets in our solar system, and as I find that sort of thing interesting I recorded the first episode. Well what a revelation. Not only was the episode interesting, but the presenter, Professor Brian Cox, is rather charismatic.
There is a short bio telling you who he is -
Professor Brian Edward Cox OBE, FRS is an English physicist who serves as professor of particle physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester. He is best known to the public as the presenter of science programmes, especially the Wonders of... series and for popular science books, such as Why Does E=mc²? and The Quantum Universe. He has been the author or co-author of over 950 scientific publications.
So a very clever man, and yet he doesn't appear condescending at all. The program waltzed you along on a trip through our solar system with measured gentle persuasion that this was all perfectly normal. Perfectly normal to have professor not look like something out of Back to the Future! I didn't realise that Professor Brian Cox was a pop star at one point. Yes indeed he was. But now he presents umpteen programs about physics, science, our world and worlds beyond, in a gentle voice that lulls you in to a kind of trance. I was naff at physics at school but Professor Brian Cox makes me think I could actually understand it now.
I have no idea how I could have missed this man? One thing I have never liked about our media and society as a whole is that we focus on looks so much. I'm afraid I have a confession to make. While listening to his voice and what he was saying I did notice that Professor Brian Cox is rather, how shall I put it, nice to look at. How embarrassing. I can feel myself go red at this confession, but it seems I am not the only one. I picked up an article from 2010 and found out all about 'Brian Cox the Fox'. Good grief where have I been? How did I miss this? How did I miss learning so much from someone who clearly finds it all fascinating and actually wants to teach people? It's probably the way he imparts the information to us. He's not excitable in a wild abandoned way at all, but rather confident and assured. This makes you feel like you are part of his journey rather than an observer. Always a good way to make people want to learn more.
I'm recording tonight's program so I can actually try to listen to what he says rather than getting distracted. You see life shouldn't be about looks, but I do think it helps that he is nice looking. You find yourself really wanting to understand and learn when he is speaking. So I have decided I shall embrace this crush, as it's a long time since I almost fell on the floor drooling at Harrison Ford as Han Solo in Star Wars! Professor Brian Cox long may you help me learn all about science, and long may I listen with bated breath. Now where is my remote control?
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