I'm on a 'diet'. There I've said it. I've said it out loud too. That makes it real.
I haven't officially told anyone. Not even my husband. I think I am scared that if I tell people and I then fail, or eat something perceived as 'bad', then they will look at me in a different way.
Now just look the words I have used in those few sentences.....'diet', 'bad' and my words even suggesting people will look at me as a failure if I don't stick to food that will help me lose weight! I know these are all words and impressions that I have picked up over the past years. When I was younger my mother cooked beautiful meals, and she still does now. Her father used to entertain clients in the home so she was used to providing good food. As I grew up my parents took in foreign students and we had fabulous meals and desserts, and cakes. But mum and I were often on a diet too. It was the fashion years ago. We tried them all. The hard boiled egg diet, the cabbage diet, the cottage cheese diet, the eat nothing but soup diet, and on and on. In fact I can honestly say that I have had, and still have, a very food orientated life. I think about my next meal frequently, and food is a great pleasure to me. I have been known to dream about food!
The problem is that 'diets' become all consuming. Really what I need to do is start thinking of what I put in my mouth and what it does to my body, and then actually following it up. I know I am overweight, and I have made plenty of excuses for why I am like this. I have rheumatoid arthritis and it's difficult to exercise. My knees are shot away and the fibromyalgia makes me ache, so I rest often. I walk a lot at work so get my bit of exercise there. I like cooking. My husband isn't overweight, and so when I cook for him it's not right that I eat different food at our meal times. Oh the excuses go on and on and I know deep inside that they are exactly that, excuses.
I've lost a substantial amount of weight before. Three stone in fact. My son needed to lose some too, so I followed the Slimming World meal plans and it helped me to practice portion control. My son lost lots of weight and we actually found it easy. I haven't been in the right frame of mind to change my meal planning for a long time, and that's what has been wrong. I just bought larger clothes, threw away the ones I couldn't get in to any more, and slobbed about. I don't really know what has changed, but the last four weeks I've been eating totally different from before. I have lost ten pounds and my trousers are not so tight. Something must have clicked in my head and this week brought it home to me why I am doing it too.
My father had a big fall and ended up with a serious head injury and gashed arm. All week I have looked after him and my mother, and it's made me realise that I need to be fit to do that. They will need my help far more as the months go on and I am determined to be there for them. So carrying extra weight is not an option. Cue the Daily Mail featuring a week long introduction to the Fast 800 Summer Diet and it's piqued my interest. So I am following it. I will still have a treat meal once a week though. That was what kept me going the last time I lost weight and I suspect it will do the same this time. So far I am 'in the frame', ready to do this. I am also ready to get in to a pair of moss green jeans I have set my sights on for some reason. Always have a goal!!
I have one problem and that is boredom. It tends to hit after a couple of weeks, so I am going to trawl the internet for recipes and hopefully that will help? It's easy to do a healthy eating plan (see what I have done there? Change around the emotion, and avoid the word 'diet' because of the connotations for me) for a few weeks but harder to sustain it. Writing it down makes it real, and let's hope that will help me to keep going until I fit in to those jeans...……..